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Welcome to ELC Electroconsult: Pioneers in Engineering Excellence

Founded in Milan in 1955, ELC Electroconsult has been at the forefront of providing specialized consulting services for Hydropower, Geothermal, Electrical, and Civil Engineering projects. Born from the collaboration of three iconic Italian industrial leaders – SADE (Società Adriatica di Elettricità), a pioneering electric utility company; FIAT (Fabbrica Italiana di Automobili Torino), a global automobile manufacturer; and Montecatini, a major player in mining and chemicals – ELC was built on a foundation of innovation, expertise, and industrial excellence.

In the following years, ELC strengthened its capabilities by acquiring Hydro, International Hydrotechnical Engineering Company, a Milan-based firm established in 1949 with a proven track record in civil, hydraulic, and power engineering projects worldwide. This acquisition consolidated ELC’s expertise in delivering integrated design and supervision services across diverse engineering disciplines.

Drawing from the extensive experience of its founders and Hydro, ELC Electroconsult has been instrumental in shaping major projects in hydraulic, electrical, and civil engineering. Since its inception, the company has been deeply involved in designing, supervising, and managing the construction of numerous landmark projects, both in Italy and internationally.

Global Experience

ELC’s expertise spans some of the world’s most challenging environments, including the lowland basins of Sub-Saharan Africa, the vast deserts of Western Asia, the towering peaks of the Andes in Chile, the rugged landscapes of Central America, and the diverse regions of Central Asia, the Philippines, and Indonesia. Our experience in these complex geological, seismic, and environmental conditions underscores our ability to deliver exceptional results in any setting.

Company Profile

ELC Electroconsult S.p.A. is a leading independent Italian engineering consultancy specializing in hydropower and dams, geothermal, solar and wind energy, transmission & distribution, and environmental sectors.

We provide expert consultancy services to a diverse range of clients, including government agencies, state-owned entities, and private sector organizations involved in infrastructure development and Public-Private Partnerships (PPIs).

Our expertise spans the entire project lifecycle, from initial master plan studies and pre-feasibility assessments to detailed design, final commissioning, and handover. We also offer support in bidding and contract negotiation based on FIDIC and IFIs standards, along with construction supervision and project management services.

In addition to our engineering services, we integrate Environment, Health & Safety safeguarding, Environment and Social Impact Assessments (ESIA) and Resettlement Action Plans (RAP) from the early stages of project planning through construction, commissioning, and operation.

With decades of experience in design, construction supervision, project management, and economic and financial analysis, ELC has earned a proven track record in the role of “Engineer for large-scale projects and, more recently, in the role of “Employer’s Representative”, managing EPC/Turnkey contracts on behalf of our clients. Our portfolio includes some of the world’s largest hydropower plants, demonstrating our wide expertise and commitment to delivering successful, high quality projects.



ELC Foundation
Founded in Milan in 1955, ELC Electroconsult has been at the forefront of providing specialized consulting services for Hydropower, Geothermal, Electrical, and Civil Engineering projects.
1960 - 1968
KUROBE IV Dam Hydropower Project / Japan
Installed capacity 270 MW (3x90 MW Pelton turbines); 186 m high dome dam, spillway over dam body 3,300 m³/s discharge capacity.

AHUACHAPÁN Geothermal Field and Power Plants /
El Salvador
Installation of three geothermoelectric units (2x30 MW and 1x35 MW) for an overall capacity of 95 MW.

1971- 1992
ITAIPÙ Bi-National Hydropower Project / Brazil - Paraguay
Installed capacity of 12,600 MW (18x700 MW Francis turbines); in 2007 the installed capacity has been increased to 14,000 MW. Concrete buttress dam 196 m high and a gated chute spillway with discharge capacity of 62,000 m³/s.

GUNUNG SALAK Geothermal Power Plant / Indonesia
Installation of two single flash geothermoelectric units (2x55MW) for an overall capacity of 110 MW.

1992 - 1998
MIRAVALLES Geothermal Project / Costa Rica
Installation of three single flash geothermoelectric units (2x55 MW and 1x29 MW) and of one binary cycle unit (1x19 MW) for an overall capacity of 158 MW.

1995 - 2005
GILGEL GIBE I Hydropower Project / Ethiopia
Installed capacity 189 MW (3x63 MW Francis turbines); power tunnel 9 km long, 5.5 m diameter.

1998 - 2001
MINGECHAUR Hydropower Project / Azerbaijan
Installed capacity 404.6 MW (4x71.4 + 2x59.5 MW Francis turbines). Built between 1945 and 1954 on the Kura River in Azerbaijan, the Mingechaur HPP is the country’s main hydropower facility.

2005 - 2012
BELES Hydropower Project / Ethiopia
Installed capacity 460 MW (4x115 MW Francis turbines); underground powerhouse, power and tailrace tunnel totaling 19 km, 7.2 m diameter (excavated with TBM).

2005 - 2009
GILGEL GIBE II Hydropower Project / Ethiopia
Installed capacity 420 MW (4x105 MW Pelton turbines); concrete weir 40 m high, power tunnel 26 km long, 6.3 m diameter (excavated with TBM).

2006 - 2016
GIBE III Dam Hydropower Project / Ethiopia
Installed capacity 1,870 MW (10x187 MW Francis turbines); highest RCC dam in the word 250 m high with a gated spillway on the dam body with a discharge capacity of 10,600 m³/s.

2011 - Ongoing
Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam Hydropower Project / Ethiopia
Installed capacity of 5,150 MW (11×400 MW and 2×375 MW Francis turbines), RCC main dam 175 m high totaling 10.5 million m³, CFRD saddle dam 60 m high and 5 km long, Gated spillway on the downstream face of the dam body and two ungated spillways with a total discharge capacity of 18,000 m³/s (routed), Reservoir volume 74 billion m³, two double circuit 500kV and one single circuit 400kV Transmission Lines.
2011 - Ongoing
LUMUT BALAI Geothermal Power Plant / Indonesia
Installed Capacity of 110 MW (2x55 MW Steam Turbines), around 20,000 meters of steam and reinjection pipeline installation. Interconnected supply of steam share.
2013 - 2017
500 kV OHTL Power Interconnection Project and annexed converting Stations, 1100 Km / Ethiopia - Kenya
The Project, linking the Ethiopia and Kenya power systems, is the anchor for the development of the Eastern Africa Power Pool (EAPP). It also forms the backbone regional transmission network, which integrates the eastern, central and southern African power systems. HVDC 500 kV Transmission Lines (1,045 km – 5 lots), No. 2 Converting stations (1,000 MW).

2015 - On Going
ROGUN Hydropower Project / Tajikistan
Installed capacity of 3,780 MW (6x630 MW Francis turbines); World’s highest rockfill dam 335 m; extensive underground works including a cavern powerhouse.
2015 - 2019
500 kV Power Interconnection Project Java - Bali / Indonesia
Construction of 500 kV overhead transmission lines for a total length of 216 km; extension of the existing 500 kV Paiton substation in East Java; construction of a new 500/150 kV distribution substation in Bali; upgrading eleven 150 kV substations in Java and Bali.

2016 - Ongoing
DUDHKOSHI Hydropower Project / Nepal
Feasibility Study and Detail Design of HPP with Installed capacity 670 MW. Main Powerhouse with 600 MW installed capacity (4×150 MW Francis Turbines) and Dam Toe Powerhouse with 70 MW capacity (2×35 MW). Dam is a concrete -faced rockfill dam 220 m high. The reservoir is 1.5 bilion m³. The main headrace tunnel feeding Main Powerhouse is 14 km long with 8.3 m of inner diameter and will be excavated by TBM.
2016 - 2024
ALUTO Geothermal Sector Development Project / Ethiopia
Drilling of 12 exploratory geothermal wells with depths of 2,700-3,000 m.
2019 - Ongoing
KUMBIH 03 Hydropower Project / Indonesia
Feasibility Study and Detail Design of HPP with installed capacity of 45 MW(3x15 MW Francis turbines ); concrete gravity dam 31 m high; 5.8 km long headrace tunnel.
2022 - Ongoing
400 kV Power Interconnection Project – Uganda – South Sudan
The project establishes a critical 400 kV transmission interconnection between Uganda and South Sudan, enhancing regional energy integration and cooperation. It consists of a 150 km overhead transmission line (OHTL) in Uganda from the Olwiyo substation to the border and a 149 km OHTL in South Sudan from the border to the Nesitu substation near Juba.
2023 - Ongoing
Exploration Drilling Program / Saint Lucia - Antilles
Verification on the viability of developing geothermal resources for power generation in the southwest sector of Saint Lucia through drilling of three exploratory wells.
2024 - Ongoing
Eastern Ethiopia Electricity Grid Reinforcement Project (EEEGRP) / Ethiopia
Construction Supervision of new 400 kV, 132 kV and 66 kV overhead lines including the loop in/out of existing ones, the construction of four (4) new substations, the necessary extensions of existing substations to allow the connection of the new lines as well as further substation equipment replacements. The above is to enhance the electricity supply to the Harari and Somali regions.

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